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ASSORT Vector Planning® Calculator

Welcome to the ASSORT Vector Planning® Calculator.

This online calculator incorporates the corneal astigmatism as well as the refractive cylinder into a possible excimer laser treatment plan.

Features of the ASSORT Vector Planning® calculator include:

  • Calculation of the Ocular Residual Astigmatism (ORA – the vector difference between the corneal astigmatism and the refractive cylinder at the corneal plane expressed in diopters)
  • Display of astigmatic treatment (TIA) using emphasis of
  1. 100% Refraction
  2. 60% refractive / 40% corneal parameters
  3. 100% Corneal
  • Calculation of target refractive cylinder and target corneal astigmatism

These calculators allow astigmatism analysis of one eye only; group analyses are performed by purchasing the ASSORT or VECTrAK software